It 's a bit like the story of the cabinet: strabocca of clothes but can not find anything that fits.

Among other things today are quite angry: they are unhappy with the doctors, especially dermatologists. I can never find anyone who meets me or at least show serious and professional.
It all started two years ago when I went to get me to see a dermatologist first for a red spot on his nose. The doctor said I had an angioma star and that could be removed with cryotherapy. After two sessions it was gone, but the past summer, in September I was re-awakening the speck. I went to another dermatologist because I had convinced the other lot, I spend over 100 € for a visit of 5 minutes when I said that was just an inflamed capillary would be back into place. They spend 6 months and not only not reduced but the stain worse. So I decide to go to another, recommended by a friend of the family doctor, in another area. I go, I do not even pay (thankfully), I reconfirm the angioma and star indicates a possible therapy that I am willing to do. So we say goodbye remaining agree that I would call him to arrange the day. It had to do it two weeks ago, but has not yet been felt. I tried to call last week, he said the secretary told me that I would have contacted him, but nothing, absolute silence. Even his friend tried to contact him but did not succeed, seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth and of course soon they begin classes at the university and I am no longer free. Cabbage
thought of having to do this treasure hunt with the plumbers and electricians who promise to spend (perhaps for an emergency, such as a burst pipe that flooded half the house) and then disappear instead. Now even the doctors ... even work for the glory, theoretically are well paid and well (at least specialists).
Bah I already understood that we should try another at this point, but 'we are upset. I hate when people take the commitment and respect and Dont hate the people who are not professional.
nice weekend people!
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