Although they were a recent discovery (thanks to a purchase on HQhair) I must say that I love the glazes OPI! Dozens and dozens of beautiful colors and details, a reasonable price considering the size of the bottle: 11 € for 15 ml of the product compared with 20 € for 13 ml by Chanel for example.
shame that here is this brand available only in a few shops, that what I was told to take only a few colors. In short, to make purchases that will turn interesting twists should always consult abroad. But because here in Italy are always the last?! Ugh. Fortunately, there
shopping online (even if the time will pass before new orders from hqhair> _ < ) e sto proprio aspettando uno smaltino nuovo. Volevo il Chigaco Champagne Toast, un marrone particolare, ma era esaurito, così alla fine ho optato per il Creme de la Kremlin, un rosa carne. Non vedo l'ora che arrivi!
For now I'm happy to have grips on the Not so Bora-Bora-ing pink (the names are too cute!) .
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