March 8 Why has this meaning, indeed, why this should have meant so important? Why we should remember, remember that on March 8, 1908 a massacre happened. About 129 workers who worked at the Cotton Textile Industry in New York, had started a strike, just to rebel against the conditions they were forced to work. But it was decided to close all doors to prevent the women come out from the factory.
A terrible fire broke out.
The 129 workers all died.
proprose why is this as "day-memory" for what happened on March 8, 1908.
heard it said that this festival is useless, and perhaps I would have no objection if not for the fact that I think the origins of this feast, so why have you established. To remember, remember what happened many years ago, but remember the situation of women today, because, although the situation has improved, thanks to the movements that have occurred over time, well, we certainly can not say that always the woman is treated with the respect that it should be.
The woman should be remembered and celebrated every day, it is obvious, but it should be remembered as the extermination of the Jews, the soldiers who daily fall in the war, the deaths over the years have caused wars, the poor of the twin towers fell and I could go on forever. Sure. Every day should remember these people. Every day each of us in our own small, should pay them a thought. My question and I answer: not bad, true, if we take ONE DAY, ONE DAY and it makes the day UNIVERSAL MEMORY? Here, NO, I do not think there is nothing wrong, nothing wrong, simply go back and look at the origins of every single day of remembrance: Christmas, Easter, and so on .. 8marzo
Needless to feel stress as they are now very few people, women, dating back to the origins of this day, remember. Why call it remembrance day? And why should I call party?! The festival is a time of joy, serenity, joy. Years ago women died as a result of chance in their work situation, because of the wickedness of man and we should celebrate? No, we should simply remember. Today, more!
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