I'm back here after so long ... I went back to talk about enamel!
Just today I received my last purchase from RadiantBabe smaltoso three new enamel collection of Hong Kong Opi nail polish and a more dated but drooled over which a long, Done out in the deco always Opi.

These are the three Hong Kong disposal of the collection that I have taken: Hot & Spicy, Jade is the new black and lavender Lucky lucky.

As you can see from the photos are very bright, vivid colors, perfect for spring.

That is a swatch instead of polished in comparative you are talking a lot lately: the enamels talposi.
thumb of OPI You Do not Know Jacques, followed Mink Muffs Essie and Chanel particulière. I do not know if you can understand because the picture quality is not great, but the former is more grayish and darker, while the other two are more likely to brown, although Chanel nail polish is clear.
If I were to recommend a vote for the particular, not only in color (warmer), but also because it only takes one coat to completely cover the nail, while Essie example is very transparent and requires at least two or three passes.

The two high colors instead are in shades of purple / lilac: the Parlez vous OPI sull'anulare and Done out in deco on the little finger. The first, as you can see, it's dark and gloomy and the other is a lilac and very clear writer. I love them both!
Well, I think at least for a few months do not buy more of the other glazes ^^;;;;, I try to limit myself!