Yesterday came the package containing my latest purchase online! 5 NYX round lipstick and gloss. I took them from the site, an excellent price (excluding shipping costs that are a little 'Altino unfortunately), earnest and fast, and especially No customs problem!
lipsticks that I felt were the first of this brand and I must say that I fell in love at first sight!
Gloss frosted plum
Hebe ... what I liked least, perhaps because the swatch seen on the web than I expected, maybe because I do not love the metallics. However, it's cute anyway.
Paris, Doll, Tea Rose and Thalia. One of the best. The Doll in particular drives me crazy * _ *
and here is the swatch, I hope he knows something.
Thalia, Tea Rose, Paris, Doll and Hebe. Under the Frosted plum gloss.
Well, after this purchase I have to wait quite a while before buying more lipstick.
Nyx is a brand that I recently found out, because here in Italy do not sell it (oddly enough), but I have already won: it's cheap but with a good selection of colors and good quality!
We hope that sooner or later arrivals also by us or otherwise we will continue to use online shopping.