Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Possible Combinations With 5
The prof has finally signed his degree in July ... now it is certain ... but there is always a hint of bitterness that obscures what should be a happy time and exciting ... the possibility that there is Andrea or at least all the logistics to figure out the problems to be overcome, that is present in one of the most important moments of my life ...
And I think that, although this is a crap compared to what I went through in the last 6 months, I have a limit, however, and this departure is that the droplet, miserable in itself, however, is to undermine the rock ... and I'm not rock, are clay, clay is, and whatever I now crumbling. We also wanted this now, I needed serenity of a summer to recuperate, to give rest to my nerves ... is not destiny, it shows. Cursed 2008 ...
But in the end will have been fortunate or unfortunate that signature?
Monday, June 23, 2008
Can I See A Dentist In 34 Weeks
I could I also have a little 'luck once in a while ... I do not ask mica
the Moon ...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Bloons Level 28 Lösung
There are pictures that you transmit strong emotions and intense, you'd watch it for hours, that leave you in a dreamlike dimension. I absolutely have to buy one of these prints ...
"Crescent Moon" by Dawson ... Mom chills ... my absolute favorite.

Sanitary Napkins Signs
"I touch the sky, with the head hole
the firmament,
overflow the belly of the stars, and tipsy
when they shine,
know the joys of heaven
dance as the constellations. "
text engraved on the threshold of the eternal home of the Prince
Sarenput Aswan. The Egyptians ... that poets!
Where I Can Watch Sean Cody For Free
Yesterday I spent my evening creating my virtual library with all books I have and those who would like to have. A site that I found really cute too by coincidence! To insiders, if you want to reward myself, I suggest you look at the "wish list", making sure the priorities of course! : D
Friday, June 13, 2008
Pretty Woman Julia Roberts Polka Dot Dress
If we walk away now There's no turning around Gotta say what I mean
While you're here with me I'm not sure
I'll find words To cover the hurt
That I see in your eyes But I gotta try
I know rocks turn to sand And hearts can change hands
And you're not to blame
When the sky fills with rain
But if we stay or walk away
There's one thing that's true
I still love you
I still love you
Can you search down inside?
Let go of your pride?
If I forget trying to win
And just let you in
I didn't travel this far
To watch it all fall apart
So give me your hand
And take a chance
I know rocks turn to sand
And hearts can change hands
And you're not to blame
When the sky fills with rain
But if we stay or walk away
There's one thing that's true
I still love you
I still love you
Riding with me as close as before
Whatever happens, I won't
ask for me Here in my heart from now 'til the end Flame out or fly
, We have to try again .. I still
I know rocks turn to sand And hearts can change hands
And you're not to blame When the sky fills with rain
But if we stay or walk away
There's one thing that's true I still love you
I still love you
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Eczema Spots Pregnancy
not find a diet in which the food is not the main bread.
do not even have to see on TV that the designers in Milan are struggling against anorexia and have decided to pull out models more "meat" ... but then when you see them you realize that their concept of "flesh" is a miserable size 40.
is not the Syphilitic overeat to see girls having ice and slush without putting an ounce, while you look even with an enormous sense of guilt Measure sugar-free ice cream to soy milk ... The real problem
summer of the girls in the flesh of the 21st century ... the costumes!
I mean, let's face it: have you ever tried to find a costume that:
1) does not have the cups. Once the cups were limited, there are now a number of "small fish" in the bras, the Aquarium of Genoa can be put aside
2) is not tied back. But the designers know that if they set a poor girl with large breasts a costume that fastens behind the neck, this will become scoliotic before now? But still they have not been reported? They do a lot of talk about orthopedic mattresses and then you propinano these death traps! I know, have agreed with the producers of Balsamo Sloan! Sure!
3) did not slip in the side straps. But damn it, you think it sucks the very common slip? Do we have to look many bows? Just one or two pounds more to look like the Beretta sausage! And this is not just my problem, unless you live in Burundi!
4) does not have the sequins. I understand that the sea should also be stylish, but reflectors seems to be a bit 'too much.
5) of which has not only been the first or second. Are two things: either this cities all have one fourth, so this measure is selling like hotcakes, or at all has passed St. Joseph with a plane.
6) and here I refer to point 3: Do not have a loincloth. Meee, but you have to necessarily beat his ass face face? What then to the sea you see some whales that beached feel of Naomi Campbell missed, but Naomi has just ... Dunno, perhaps the number one shoe!
is that I do not want the clown costume-50s. Piacerebb I have a choice and not having to turn 8 megozi before finding a nice costume, and free of all of the above! I mean, I too have a right to go to sea! Ugh!
And now I'm going to throw blood on the half hour exercise bike for 230 kcal damn!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Places To Get A Brazilian In Goleta Santa Barbara
how I love the end of this movie ... I find it so tender and romantic!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Loudest Subwoofer Speakers
After four months of frenetic studio and various commitments and issues, and almost 7 years of university ... Today is the first real day that I have nothing to do, nothing to study, nothing to wipe, no timetable to be met ... wow, it's a strange feeling ... I know that the prof will provide, as usual, 20,000 corrections to the last chapter, but from here to Tuesday, I did not really do anything. Just relax ... that strange word to write and pronounce!
Ps: but there will be a vaccine for mosquitoes? Me antihistamine and cortisone are killing me!